1. |
Secure on-line ordering with our encrypted shopping basket. Just use your Visa or MasterCard to complete the form. Ordering through the secure server is the safest way to order. Your
information is sent to Garden Leaf Designs only. Be secure in knowing that we never give or sell our customer's information to anyone. |
2. |
Fax us at: 562-856-9546. Simply
use our online shopping system to choose your items.
Then when you go to the check out, fill out the order form,
EXCEPT for the credit card information section. Once you have the form completed with the items you wish to purchase, select the print option on the top of your browser. Cancel the
order once you have the printed order form, and fax the printed order form to
us. |
3. |
Phone orders toll free at: 877-2LEAVES (877-253-2837).
Use your Visa or MasterCard. Hours are 9am-5pm, Pacific time, Monday through Friday...or leave a voice message with your name and phone number
and we will get back to you to complete your order. |
4. |
E-Mail your order to: gardenleaf@earthlink.net.
Include your name and phone number with your order and we will call you for your account
information. Do not send your account information in your e-mail. |
5. |
Mail checks or money orders to: Garden Leaf Designs 5318 E. 2nd Street #655 Long Beach, CA 90803
Simply use our online shopping system to choose your
items. Then when you go to the check out, fill out the order form,
EXCEPT for the credit card information section. Once you have the form completed with the items you wish to purchase, select the print option on the top of your browser. Cancel the
order once you have the printed order form, and mail it with
your enclosed check or money order payable to "Garden Leaf Designs". |